
🐉 Lerna With Rollup And GitHub Packages Example

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lerna, Rollup, TypeScript, GitHub Packages

Building a mono repo package environment using Lerna, Rollup, TypeScript, semantic-release-monorepo and GitHub Packages.

🎩 Build Output

+-- dist
|   +-- esm
|      +-- index.js
|      +-- index.js.map
|      +-- main.js.map
|   +-- cjs
|      +-- index.js
+--    +-- index.js.map

🔫 Trouble Shooting

Type Definition

We use ttypescript and typescript-transform-paths due to path reference problem in index.d.ts file when using absolute path in the packages.(eg, sample-one, sample-two)

GitHub Package Registry

.npmrcfile must be added to the root of the project.


Check Your Package name

The package name should follow the format:
