Programming Integration Project Course 221: Bana Speech Web


We separate the frontend and backend implementation to two separate repositories for better management. This repository is solely for the frontend implementation of the Bana Speech Web project for the Programming Integration Project Course, Semester 221, Group 3


  • For the techstack in frontend, we used ReactJS - a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React makes it easier to create interactive user interfaces with a component based hierarchy.
  • For HTTP requests, we used Axios - a promise based HTTP client for the browser - for sending requests to the backend.
  • For layout and styling of the web page, plain CSS is used for better customization.

Run locally


Make sure your devices has the latest version of npm

Clone the repository and change to its directory

git clone
cd bana-speech-web

Install the requirements

Install the packages using npm

npm install

Start the app

Start the frontend by running the following command:

npm start

Demo the app

After running both frontend and backend source code, to try the app, you can open http://localhost:3000/ and login with following information:

username: hoa
password: 123456