
RubyDung 2009 with Mods support

MIT LicenseMIT

RubyDung 2009 Modded

This is a crazy experiment from some crazy people aiming at the creation of an early mods-enabled Minecraft versions, starting as early as its 2009 inception, when Minecraft was still called RubyDung.

Also, this is a learning project for me. I've never seen how a Java game is made, so naturally decompiling Notch's old code should teach me something new and cool... right? :-D

A modded RubyDung version with chocolate blocks instead of cobblestone and grass


Due to copyright limitations, the only kind of direct download would be available as a result of automated GitHub Build Actions (even so, I'm not quite sure that this is kosher, so we shall see). That said, it's super-trivial to build this project on your own by just downloading the Java IDE and running 2 tasks in there (see below).


This repository contains all the tools necessary to build an augmented RubyDung version that is prepared for accepting 3rd party mods. Here are the steps:

  1. install gradle (v8.5 is tested) - or better yet, get the free Java development IDE IntelliJ Idea
  2. run two gradle tasks:
    1. first_time_run
    2. shadowJar

This will generate a RubyDung mods-enabled version which you can run via MultiMC and create your very own mods for.

Creating Mods

There is a sample Time Slower mod to get you started. The actual API is fairly simple and if you ever saw a Bukkit API or coded for Spigot / Paper / Purpur in your life, this should feel familiar.


Once there is a stable first version of the API, documentation will follow. I'm pretty big on documenting things, so the documentation will definitely be there and up-to-date.

More Resources

You may want to check the Minecraft Veteran Servers YouTube Channel for videos on creation of all this nonsense and perhaps some inspiration for creation of your own game / Minecraft clone :-D