
Dagger is a Python micro framework that performs tasks, providing you with parallel execution, and dependency resolution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Dagger performs tasks, providing you with parallel execution, and dependency resolution.

Workflows are defined as graphs (directed acyclic graphs … get it?). You tell dagger to run certain tasks, and it makes sure that dependencies are discovered and run in a correct order.

Tasks are run in a process pool of configurable size.

You define tasks by subclassing Task:

class DoStuff(Task):

    def run(self):
        print("Look at me, I'm runniiiiiing ...")

Tasks accept two parameters during creation

  • config: Something picklable to customize the tasks behavior at runtime
  • dependencies: A list of Task instances that need to be done before we start this task

If task execution fails, a DaggerException is raised, with information about which tasks completed and which failed.

See also examples folder.