
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Project

Primary LanguageJava


Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Project

This app helps users discover popular and recent movies.
Please note : In order to build and run the code, you need to request an API key from themoviedb.org. Create your account here: https://www.themoviedb.org/account/signup
Enter the API key in the files MainActivity.java and DetailActivity.java in the places mentioned as comments.


  • Android Studio 3.0.1
  • Build Tools Version '27.0.3'
  • Minimum Android Version: 16
  • API key from themoviedb.org

How To Open

  • Download as Zip and extract it
  • Run Android Studio
  • Click on "Open an existing Android Studio project" and choose the folder
  • Enter the API key in the files MainActivity.java and DetailActivity.java
  • Run app


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