#Kmer Explorer
- Delete files after period (24h)
- Accept email to send the files
- More complete report
- Change upload file button appearance when file is added.
- Check file format when uploading (currently crashes the server)
- Allow the user to filter non-frequent kmers
- Show the distribution of kmer frequency
- Remove inefficiency in data formatting in the end
- Finish digital ocean tutorial (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-application-for-production-on-ubuntu-14-04)
##How to install in a Digital Ocean server:
- Go to Digital Ocean and create a 5$/month droplet with node.
- Install git (sudo apt-get install git)
- Clone git (git clone https://github.com/martinbaste/kmer-explorer)
- Install the app (cd kmer-explorer && npm install)
Run the app (node app.js)INSECURE