
Basic python library cookiecutter template

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Basic python library cookiecutter template

This is very basic cookiecutter template suitable to start a new python library project with packaging and tests features.


  • Python3

Install cookiecutter

pip install --user cookiecutter

Upgrading cookiecutter

pip install --upgrade cookiecutter

Generate new project using this cookiecutter

To create a new project using this cookiecutter template use the following

cookiecutter gh:treai-foundations/cookiecutter-basic-pylib

The line above will fetch automatically the template from github using your local ~/.cookiecutters/ folder.

In case already present, you'll be prompted to re-download the template, this can be useful to update it with recent modifications.

> cookiecutter gh:treai-foundations/cookiecutter-basic-pylib
You've downloaded /home/rciatti/.cookiecutters/cookiecutter-basic-pylib before.
Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: 

After the template download, cookiecutter will prompt you wit a serie of qeustions defined in the template configuration:

author_name [Author Name]: 
author_email [author@email.com]: 
github_username [github_username]: 
project_name [name-of-the-project]: 
project_short_description [Short description of the project]: 
github_action_pr_triggered [y]: 
github_action_tag_triggered [y]: 
use_flake8 [y]: 
use_coverage [y]: 
Select license:
1 - Proprietary
2 - MIT license
3 - BSD license
4 - ISC license
5 - Apache Software License 2.0
6 - GNU General Public License v3
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [1]:

Each question has a default value.

About some options

  • github_action_pr_triggered: add the github action workflow to react to PRs
  • github_action_tag_triggered: add the github action workflow to react to tags
  • use_flake8: enable flake8 linter (adding also the package to the requirements_dev.txt)
  • use_coverage: enable coverage and web report


The template, after prompting for all the options, will generate a Makefile that can be used to help you with several tasks that can be exploited like below:

> make help

clean                remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
clean-build          remove build artifacts
clean-pyc            remove Python file artifacts
clean-test           remove test and coverage artifacts
test                 run tests quickly with the default Python
coverage             check code coverage quickly with the default Python
coverage-web         check code coverage and open report in web browser
dist                 builds source and wheel package

Git init

The template automation, as post-hook action, will do a

git init .

inside the newly generated project. This is mandatory because the setuptools_scm is used to fetch tag versions from the Version Control System.

Your duties

After the project creation, having a virtualenv and installing development dependencies contained in requirements_dev.txt depends on you and your way to work.