Hadoop example for Montevideo BigData & DataScience Meetup. Implementation of item based similarity for MovieLens recommendations using hadoop to create the similarity matrix.
Simple hadoop job that creates a histogram of user ratings per movie. (edu.mapreduce.histogram.job.CountMovieUsersRatingsJob
To run the job:
hadoop jar item-based-similarity-jar-with-dependencies.jar edu.mapreduce.histogram.job.CountMovieUsersRatingsJob <input> <output>
Provides Job unit tests using MRunit.
Job that creates the history of movie ratings per user. Uses custom input and output formats to read and write the data. (edu.mapreduce.formats.job.UserMoviesRatingJob
To run the job:
hadoop jar item-based-similarity-jar-with-dependencies.jar edu.mapreduce.formats.job.UserMoviesRatingJob <input> <output>