
Proof of concept of a graphql api which queries an in-memory H2 database populated at startup.

Primary LanguageKotlin

poc-quarkus-graphql Project

This project started as a Proof of concept of a graphql api which queries an in-memory H2 database populated at startup. but it has evolved into:

  • A demonstration of Hexagonal Architecture (obviously from my point of view and with some very simple use cases)
  • Additional to the GraphQL layer, a RESTful API has been implemented as a new port-in to the application logic

This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.

Available GraphQL Queries

Once the application has been started: * the GraphQL api can be friendly queried at graphql-ui * the GraphQL schema can be queried at schema.graphql

# query{findAuthors{authors{id name country books{id authorId title summary}}}}
# query{findAuthor(id: "1"){id name country books{id authorId title summary}}}
# mutation{createAuthor(author:{name:"author4", country:"author4Country"})}
# mutation{deleteAuthor(id: "3")}

# query{findBooks{books{id authorId title summary}}}
# query{findBook(id: "1"){id authorId title summary}}
# mutation{createBook(book:{authorId:"1", title:"author1book6Title", summary:"author1book6Summary"})}
# mutation{deleteBook(id: "5")}

Executing this queries will result in request and responses as exposed in graphQLQueries.

Available Rest Endpoints

Once the application has been started, the available rest endpoints can be used at swagger.

Postman collection can be imported too with this openapi file.

Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

./gradlew quarkusDev

NOTE: Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.

Packaging and running the application

The application can be packaged using:

./gradlew build

It produces the quarkus-run.jar file in the build/quarkus-app/ directory. Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the build/quarkus-app/lib/ directory.

The application is now runnable using java -jar build/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar.

If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:

./gradlew build -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar

The application, packaged as an über-jar, is now runnable using java -jar build/*-runner.jar.

Related Guides

  • JDBC Driver - H2 (guide): Connect to the H2 database via JDBC
  • Kotlin (guide): Write your services in Kotlin
  • SmallRye GraphQL (guide): Create GraphQL Endpoints using the code-first approach from MicroProfile GraphQL