Install dependencies [ ] Install your npm dependencies: run npm install in your terminal Start application (see note below) [ ] To start your node server and compile the boilerplate React application, run the following: npm run dev-mac OR npm run dev-win [ ] To 'access' your React application in the browser, visit: http://localhost:8080/
Note: while the React app runs on http://localhost:8080, our server is going to be running on http://localhost:3000 so if you are planning to test with Postman instead of (or in addition to) using the React app, send your Postman requests to http://localhost:3000.
_ PLEASE NOTE _ THE DEV-SERVER MUST RUN ON LOCALHOST:8080. This is hard-coded into our webpack-config on line 47 if you'd like to change that and also hard-coded into api.js on line 29. Because the dev-server is forced to run on localhost:8080 at the moment, if you have a Live Share session open or any other app that runs on localhost:8080 before you run the dev-server, IT WILL GLITCH OUT.
_ SETTING UP OATH _ To start the project, you will have to set up your google cloud platform.
- Please go to https://console.cloud.google.com/
- On the left tap, please click APIs & Services
- Click Credentials
- You will see + Create Credentials
- Click OAuth ClientID
- Click Web Application
- Name w/e you want
- Authorized Javascript Origins: http://localhost:3000
- Authorized Redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000/api/login/google
- Save it!
_ SAVE IT! _
- Go to OAuth consent screen
- Set up your name
- Scopes for Google APIs should have
- profile
- openid
- save it! _ SAVE IT! _
_ Now go to server/controllers/loginController.js _ and change your client id and client secret in two places in line 7 and 32 const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2( 'Client_ID', 'Client_Secret', 'http://localhost:3000/api/login/google' );
Set up an ElephantSQL database in the cloud and create a new instance. Copy
Set up your database connection Add your connection URL to the ElephantSQL database into PG_URI in models.js (line 3) - you will be using this connection string to connect to the database via a pool.
Run the following command in your terminal to create empty tabnpm rles in the database (omit the carrots). This will create 3 empty tables, as specified in the file: psql -d -f scratch-project_postgres_create.sql