Drupal.cz community website
acquia-utils/ - Acquia cloud specific tools.
docroot/ - Website directory.
library/ - Acquia cloud libraries.
tests/ - Collection of tests for Travis CI and local development.
.gitignore - Gitignore.
.travis.yml - Travis CI test suite configuration.
scrub.sql - script to strip sensitive data from D6 production database.
slim.sql - script to make scrubbed database smaller so we can run tests quicker.
Getting the site up and running.
Get your copy of the code:
Prepare your database and fill the credentials into your new local config.
cp docroot/settings/default.settings.local.php docroot/settings/settings.local.php
edit this config: docroot/settings/settings.local.php
Install the site (it will use the Drupal.cz distribution).
Migrate data from D6 Drupal.cz
Get the database snapshot: https://github.com/Drupalcz/drupalcz_db
Import it into new database separarate from D8 version.
Run the migration: console migrate:execute --db-host="" --db-name="DBNAME" --db-user="USERNAME" --db-port=PORT --db-type="mysql" --db-pass="PASSWORD" all -n