suspend then hibernate

Display scaling?

Currently using 125%. If you use different display scaling values on primary and secondary monitor, apps get blurry. Apps also get blurry if they are running in xwayland and not a native wayland window

electron wayland support

some electron apps require manual setting of flags in the electron-flags.conf. This could depend on the version of electron app uses and also if it is bundled with the package or uses AUR version.

add an env variable to a launch command in a .desktop file

example for steam to fix display scaling

/usr/bin/env GDK_SCALE=2 /usr/bin/steam-runtime %U

Fingerprint on Framework

Install some packages needed for fingerprint

sudo yay -S fprintd libfprintd

Gnome / GDM works out of the box however for other configuration look to /etc/pam.d/...


This tool helps to reset the fingerprint sensor. Since when you distro hop or come from another linux distro it messes with enrollment. Extract and run

sudo ./fprint-clear-storage-0.0.1-x86_64.AppImage

This clears existing fingerprints


launch applications in wayland mode

Sometimes display scaling is broken with certain apps when they run in XWayland. Add flags in .config for wayland launching to force compatibility.

Affected apps:

  • brave
  • vscode
  • anything electron based


configure here for default apps for different mime types. Specifically changes inode/directory to be opened by gnome nautilus so xdg-open doesn't force open vscode


added some useful macros

lid-stop: forces ignoring of lid close: when lid is closed display stays on and does not force sleep

school: cd the directory ~/Documents/school/{currentYear}-{currentYear+1}/{Fall or Winter} automatically based on the current date. Useful to hope right into my school dir

sp: cd the directory ~/Documents/sideprojects/{currentYear} to quickly get into sideproject folder for this year

o: runs xdg-open, useful for opening files or directory in their default apps. Usually use to get into a GUI file browser like nautilus

stepmania stuff

installed some packages from old git repos to get dancepad support for old ps3 pad. Created a custom launch script and desktop file to launch the game from with starts the pad reading daemon first then launches the game.

enable tap to click globally on gdm

To make tap to click work on the lockscreen use this command

sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad tap-to-click 'true'

It enables tap to click for gdm user which is who you are before you login in gnome

migrate from GRUB to systemd-boot

EOS bundles GRUB by default. After the GRUB issue fiasco breaking the bootloader; I switched to systemd-boot. Pretty easy to setup following this guide

restore gnome settings

Probably not safe to fully restore this on a new install but holds the keybindings and extension settings.

Important key bindings:

  • Disabled the Super+P cycle windows shortcut in Mutter, so I could remap F9 key on Framework to something else (lid-stop)

  • Ctrl + Shift + T Terminal

  • Ctrl + Brightness down Set brightness minimum (backlight 0 / off not possible in gnome by default)

  • Ctrl + Brightness up Set max brightness

  • Ctrl + alt + delete open Gnome usage (like task manager)

To dump only user-altered keys:

dconf dump / > dump.dconf

To restore:

dconf load / < dump.dconf

get .local addresses to work


Install nss-mdns

Add to /etc/nsswitch

hosts: mymachines mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve[!UNAVAIL=return] files myhostname dns