This module provides set of cmdlets to manage RabbitMQ.
Clone the repository to your local drive and then import it to PowerShell
cd .\path_to_module_directy
Import-Module RabbitMQTools
Alternatively, if you want the module to be imported automatically every time new PowerShell session is started then clone the repository to your modules path. To find the path run
$env:PSModulePath -split ';'
and clone the repository to the path under your documents.
There is a set of cmdlets to manage the server, such as:
- Get-RabbitMQOverview
- Get-RabbitMQNode
- Get-RabbitMQConnection
- Get-RabbitMQChannel
- Get-RabbitMQVirtualHost, Add-RabbitMQVirtualHost, Remove-RabbitMQVirtualHost
- Get-RabbitMQExchage, Add-RabbitMQExchange, Remove-RabbitMQExchange
- Get-RbbitMQQueue, Add-RabbitMQQueue, Remove-RabbitMQQueue
- Get-RabbitMQMessage
To learn more about a cmdlet, or to see some examples run get-hel cmdlet_name