
Chancer is an R package for generating of random strings, numbers, addresses etc in the spirit of chances.js

Primary LanguageR

Chancer - Creating Random Data in R

Chancer is an R package for generating of random strings, numbers, addresses etc to help write automated tests or create anything random you need. Chancer was inspired by the javascript library chance.js.


Chancer is not currently on CRAN as it's still in early development but in the meantime it can be installed in R using devtools



Take a look at the documentation to see all the functions, but there are a few brief examples below to give you an idea about chancer:

chancer.word: Returns a random semi-pronounceable word with control over number of syllables etc.

chancer.sentence: Returns a random sentence constructed from semi-pronounceable made up words.

chancer.paragraph: Returns a random paragraph constructed from semi-pronounceable made up sentances.

chancer.address: Returns a random address constructed from semi-pronounceable made up words.

chancer.name: Returns a random name, with control over gender, prefixs such as Doctor etc.

chancer.birthday: Returns a random birthday, with contol of overgroups e.g child, adult etc.

chancer.colour: Returns a random rgb / hex / greyscale colour.

chancer.domain: Returns a random semi-pronounceable domain name.

chancer.email: Returns a random semi-pronounceable email address.

chancer.ip: Returns a random ip address.

chancer.ssn: Returns a random US social security number.

chancer.guid: Returns a random guid.

chancer.geohash: Returns a random geohash.

chancer.coordinates: Returns random coordinates.

chancer.city: Returns a random made up city.

chancer.areacode: Returns a random area code.

There are lots of other functions already included in the package, with more to follow!