
A package for sending SMS messages using the PSWinCom SMS Gateway.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PSWinCom Python Package

A Python interface to the PSWinCom SMS Gateway.


The pswinpy package is distributed through PyPI as both egg, Windows installer and source. Download here.

Basic Usage

To use this package, you will need sign up for a Gateway account with PSWinCom. Demo account are available.

This piece of code demonstrates how to send a simple SMS message:

from pswinpy import API
api = API("myUsername", "myPassword")
api.sendSms(4712345678, "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!")


Receiver and message text are the two mandatory properties when sending a message. You may specify additional properties by using named arguments.

For instance this is how you would specify a sender:

api.sendSms(4712345678, "It's just a flesh wound.", sender="BlackKnight")

Properties currently supported are:

  • sender
  • TTL - time to live in minutes
  • tariff - the amount (in local currency as cents/"ører") to charge the receiver
  • serviceCode - service code for sending GAS messages. Requires that tariff is set. See wiki for details.
  • deliveryTime - a datetime object specifying when to send the message

Specifying Host

Details in flux at the moment


For testing purposes the API provides a couple of modes you can set globally to control how the library works.

Mode.test = True

.. will make you use the API without actually sending any messages.

Mode.debug = True

.. will make the API output debug information to standard out.


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.