
A library to parse and render application/hal+json documents in Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Edison HAL

Library to produce and consume application/hal+json representations of REST resources using Jackson.


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RELEASE CANDIDATE - almost done.

The current implementation is supporting HAL compliant links and embedded resources, including curies (compact URIs).

The full media-type as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kelly-json-hal-08 is supported by edison-hal.

The current library is already in production at otto.de and should be more or less stable but still might have some issues. Please provide feedback, if something is not working as expected.


At otto.de, microservices should only communicate via REST APIs with other microservices. HAL is a nice format to implement the HATEOAS part of REST. Edison-hal is a simple library, to make it easy to produce and consume HAL representations for your REST APIs.

Currently, there are only a couple of libraries supporting HAL and even less that support the full media type including all link properties, curies (compact URIs) and embedded resources.

Spring HATEOAS, for example, is lacking many link properties, such as title, name, type and others.


Creating HAL representations:

  • Links with all specified attributes like rel, href, profile, type, name, title, etc. pp.
  • Embedded resources
  • CURIs in links and embedded resources
  • Generation of HAL representations using Jackson using annotated classes

Parsing HAL representations:

  • Mapping application/hal+json to Java classes using Jackson
  • simple domain model to access links, embedded resources etc.

Traversion of HAL representations:

  • Simple client-side navigation through linked and embedded REST resources using Traverson API
  • Embedded resources are transparantly used, if present.
  • Curies are resolved transparantly, too. Clients of the Traverson API do not need to know anything about curies or embedded resources.

Open Issues and next steps

  • Deep nesting of embedded items is currently not supported: a resource that has embedded items, which have embedded items, and so on.


0. Learn about Hypertext Application Language (HAL)

1. Include edison-hal into your project:

    dependencies {
        compile "de.otto.edison:edison-hal:1.0.0.RC3",

2. Provide a class for the representation of your REST API

If your representation does not need additional attributes beside of the properties defined in application/hal+json, you can create a HalRepresentations like this:

    final HalRepresentation representation = new HalRepresentation(
                    .with("foo", asList(
                            new HalRepresentation(linkingTo(self("http://example.org/test/foo/01"))),
                            new HalRepresentation(linkingTo(self("http://example.org/test/foo/02")))))
                    .with("bar", asList(
                            new HalRepresentation(linkingTo(self("http://example.org/test/bar/01"))),
                            new HalRepresentation(linkingTo(self("http://example.org/test/bar/02")))))

Otherwise, you can derive a class from HalRepresentation to add extra attributes:

    public class MySpecialHalRepresentation extends HalRepresentation {
        private String someProperty;
        private String someOtherProperty;
        // ...

3. Serializing HalRepresentations

To convert your representation class into a application/hal+json document, you can use Jackson's ObjectMapper directly:

    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(representation);

4. Parsing application/hal+json documents

A HAL document can be parsed using Jackson, too:

    @Test public void shouldParseHal() {
        // given
        final String json =
                "{" +
                    "\"someProperty\":\"1\"," +
                    "\"someOtherProperty\":\"2\"," +
                    "\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://example.org/test/foo\"}}," +
                    "\"_embedded\":{\"bar\":[" +
                        "{" +
                            "\"_links\":{\"self\":[{\"href\":\"http://example.org/test/bar/01\"}]}" +
                        "}" +
                    "]}" +
        // when
        final TestHalRepresentation result = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json.getBytes(), TestHalRepresentation.class);
        // then
        assertThat(result.someProperty, is("1"));
        assertThat(result.someOtherProperty, is("2"));
        // and
        final Links links = result.getLinks();
        assertThat(links.getLinkBy("self").get(), is(self("http://example.org/test/foo")));
        // and
        final List<HalRepresentation> embeddedItems = result.getEmbedded().getItemsBy("bar");
        assertThat(embeddedItems, hasSize(1));
        assertThat(embeddedItems.get(0).getLinks().getLinkBy("self").get(), is(link("self", "http://example.org/test/bar/01")));

####4.1 Configuring the ObjectMapper There are some special cases, where it is required to configure the ObjectMapper as follows:

    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);

This will be necessary, if there a single embedded items for a link-relation type, instead of an array of items:

    "_embedded" : {
        "item" : {
            "msg" : "This item can not be parsed without the ObjectMapper configuration",
            "_links" : { "self" : {"href" : "http://example.com/a-single-embedded-item"}}
        "multipleItems": [
          {"foo" : 42},
          {"foo" : 4711}

####4.2 Using the HalParser If you want to parse embedded resources into a extended HalRepresentation, you need to use the HalParser:

    public void shouldParseEmbeddedItemsWithSpecificType() throws IOException {
        // given
        final String json =
                "{" +
                        "\"_embedded\":{\"bar\":[" +
                        "   {" +
                        "       \"someProperty\":\"3\"," +
                        "       \"someOtherProperty\":\"3\"," +
                        "       \"_links\":{\"self\":[{\"href\":\"http://example.org/test/bar/01\"}]}" +
                        "   }" +
                        "]}" +
        // when
        final HalRepresentation result = HalParser
                .as(HalRepresentation.class, withEmbedded("bar", EmbeddedHalRepresentation.class));
        // then
        final List<EmbeddedHalRepresentation> embeddedItems = result
                .getItemsBy("bar", EmbeddedHalRepresentation.class);
        assertThat(embeddedItems, hasSize(1));
        assertThat(embeddedItems.get(0).getClass(), equalTo(EmbeddedHalRepresentation.class));
        assertThat(embeddedItems.get(0).getLinks().getLinkBy("self").get(), is(link("self", "http://example.org/test/bar/01")));

5. Using HAL in Spring controllers

Using Spring MVC, you can directly return HalRepresentations from you controller methods:

            value = "/my/hal/resource",
            produces = {
            method = GET
    public TestHalRepresentation getMyHalResource() {    
        return new TestHalRepresentation(getTheInputData());

6. Using the Traverson:

Traverson is a utility to make it easy to traverse linked and/or embedded resources using link-relation types:

    class ProductHalJson extends HalRepresentation {
        @JsonProperty String price;
    void printProducts(final String query) {
                .follow(REL_SEARCH, withVars("q", query))
                    System.out.println(product.title + ": " + product.price);
    String getHalJson(final Link link) {
        try {
            final HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(HOST + link.getHref());
            if (link.getType().isEmpty()) {
                httpget.addHeader("Accept", "application/hal+json");
            } else {
                httpget.addHeader("Accept", link.getType());
            final HttpEntity entity = httpclient.execute(httpget).getEntity();
            return EntityUtils.toString(entity);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

Paging over HAL resources:

Iterating over pages of items is supported by the Traverson, too. Traverson.paginateNext() can be used to iterate pages by following 'next' links. The callback function provided to paginateNext() is called for every page, until either false is returned from the callback, or the last page is reached.

The Traverson parameter of the callback function is then used to traverse the items of the page.

                // Page of products by following link-relation type 'next':
                .paginateNext((Traverson pageTraverson) -> {
                    // Follow all 'item' links
                                System.out.println(product.title + ": " + product.price);
                    // proceed to next page of products:
                    return true;

It is also possible to page by following other link-relation types using Traverson.paginatePrev (for 'prev') or Traverson.paginate().

If the page is needed as a subtype of HalRepresentation (for example, if it contains required extra attributes), paginateNextAs() or paginatePrevAs() can be used:

                // Paginate using next. Pages are parsed as ProductPageHalRepresentation:
                .paginateNextAs(ProductPageHalRepresentation.class, (Traverson pageTraverson) -> {
                    // Fetch the page resource:
                            .ifPresent((page) -> {
                    // Process linked items of the page:
                                System.out.println(product.title + ": " + product.price);
                    return true;

If the paged items may be embedded into the page, it is necessary to specify the type of the embedded items:

                        withEmbedded("item", ProductHalRepresentation.class),
                        (Traverson pageTraverson) -> { ... }

Building edison-hal

If you want to build edison-hal using Gradle, you might want to use the included Gradle wrapper:

    bin/go build


    bin/gradlew build

An IntelliJ IDEA Workspace can be created using

    bin/go idea

If you do not want to use the provided gradle wrapper, please make sure that you are using an up-to-date version of Gradle (>= 2.12.0).

Running the examples

Currently, there are two examples:

  • One for the server side, using Spring Boot
  • One for the client side, which is a simple Java application using an Apache HttpClient to access the example server.

The server can be started using Gradle:

    gradle :example-springboot:bootRun

Alternatively, you can simply run the class Server in your favorite IDE.

Open 'http://localhost:8080' in your Browser and navigate to the included HAL Browser to play around with the example.

The client can be started like this:

    gradle :example-client:run

It requires the server to be running. The REST resources are traversed in different ways.

Version History


New Features / API extensions

  • Added support for traversal auf HAL documents with relative hrefs.


New Features / API extensions

  • Added Traverson.getResourceAs(Class<T>, EmbeddedTypeInfo) and `Traverson.streamAs(Class, EmbeddedTypeInfo> so it is possible to specify the type of embedded items of a resource using Traversons.
  • Added support for client-side traversal of paged resources using
    • Traverson.paginateNext()
    • Traverson.paginateNextAs()
    • Traverson.paginatePrev()
    • Traverson.paginatePrevAs()
    • Traverson.paginate()
    • Traverson.paginateAs()



  • Fixed traversion of links using predicates
  • Fixed parsing of embedded items, where a rel has only only a single item instead of a list of items.
  • Fixed getter for SkipLimitPaging.hasMore


New Features / API extensions

  • New Traverson methods to select links matching some given predicate.


Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated NumberedPaging.numberedPaging().

New Features / API extensions

  • Introduced support for 1-based paging.
  • New builder methods NumberedPaging.zeroBasedNumberedPaging() and NumberedPaging.oneBasedNumberedPaging()



  • The constructors of NumberedPaging are now protected instead of final. This prevented changing the names of the page/pageSize variables used in collection resources.
  • Fixed numbering of last-page links in NumberedPaging.

New Features / API extensions

  • Added NumberedPaging.getLastPage()



  • Fixed a bug that prevented the use of paging for empty collections.


Breaking Changes

  • Moved Traverson classes to package de.otto.edison.hal.traverson


  • Fixed shortening of embedded links using curies when adding links to a HalResource after construction.

New Features / API extensions

  • Added Link.getHrefAsTemplate()
  • Added helpers to create links for paged resources: NumberedPaging and SkipLimitPaging


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed Link.Builder.fromPrototype() and Links.Builder.fromPrototype() to copyOf()

New Features / API extensions

  • Added Link.isEquivalentTo(Link)
  • Link.Builder is not adding equivalent links anymore
  • Added HalRepresentation.withEmbedded() and HalRepresentation.withLinks() so links and embedded items can be added after construction.


New Features / API extensions

  • Added Traverson.startWith(HalRepresentation) to initialize a Traverson from a given resource.


  • JsonSerializers and -Deserializers for Links and Embedded are now public to avoid problems with some testing szenarios in Spring.


Breaking Changes

  • Simplified creation of links by removing unneeded factory methods for templated links. Whether or not a link is templated is now automatically identified by the Link.
  • Removed duplicate factory method to create a Link.Builder.

New Features / API extensions

  • Added a Traverson API to navigate through HAL resources.



  • curies are now rendered as an array of links instead of a single link document

New Features / API extensions

  • Added factory method Link.curi() to build CURI links.
  • Support for curies in links and embedded resources.
  • Improved JavaDoc
  • Added Links.getRels()
  • Added Links.stream()
  • Added Embedded.getRels()
  • Added simple example for a client of a HAL service.



  • Fixed generation + parsing of non-trivial links
  • Fixed type and name of 'deprecation' property in links
  • Fixed rendering of empty embedded items
  • Fixed rendering of empty links

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed Link.LinkBuilder to Link.Builder
  • Renamed Embedded.EmbeddedItemsBuilder to Embedded.Builder
  • Renamed Embedded.Builder.withEmbedded() to Embedded.Builder.with()
  • Renamed Embedded.Builder.withoutEmbedded() to Embedded.Builder.without()
  • Added getter methods to Link instead of public final attributes

New Features / API extensions

  • Introduced factory methods for Embedded.Builder
  • Improved JavaDoc
  • Added Spring-Boot example aplication incl HAL Browser
  • Added Links.linkingTo(List links)
  • Added Links.Builder
  • Added Embedded.isEmpty()
