
Currency converter API with passwordless authentication to setup currencies allowed.

Primary LanguagePython

🎯 Purpose

Develop a currency converter API.

❤️ Available on


Note: Web Services on the free plan are automatically spun down after 15 minutes of inactivity. When a new request for a free service comes in, Render spins it up again so it can process the request. This can cause a response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity.

🔧 Technologies used

  • Python 3.8.12
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • pytest y pytest-django
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Render - Cloud Application Hosting
  • openexchangerates.org API
  • apscheduler

📖 Description

  • Custom User Model
  • Passwordless authentication
  • Has a cron job to update exchange rates daily

🔎 Improvements

  • Logging
  • More tests
  • Complete endpoints (see Postman collection)
  • Filtering and searching

🏁 API Usage

Added a Postman collection to easily use API endpoints and query parameters combinations.

Also contains examples of expected responses.

The API don't need registration by user, it uses Passwordless authentication workflow.

That means you don't have and don't need to remember your password because we will send you and email with a token everytime you need to access our application.

In that way we ensure you use a valid email 😀 and simplify the sign-in experience.

Automatically creates users and according given domain creates admins privileges.

For testing purposes accounts with emails ending on yopmail.com are admin.

To create an admin account go to: https://yopmail.com/ this service allow to have a disposable email address with inbox to receive real emails.

Endpoint: /home/

HTTP Method: GET

Show API status.

Endpoint: /auth/access/


Send access token to email informed. Previous registration not required.

Required json body:

    "email": "johndoe4444@email.com"

Admin creation:

    "email": "superadmin@yopmail.com"

Endpoint: /auth/login/


Log in with access token previously sent by email. It could be optional. Depends on frontend workflow.

Required json body:

    "email": "johndoe4444@email.com",
    "access_token": "sdfdf565sdf165d1gasd651f"

Endpoint: /auth/password/provisional/


Required admin email

Send provisional password to email informed. Password is required to access on Django Admin.

Required json body:

    "email": "johndoe4444@email.com"

Endpoint: /v1/currencies/to_implement/

HTTP Method: GET

List currencies available to add it as active.

Endpoint: /v1/currencies/


Require authentication

Add new currencies to allow its use on our API

Required json body:

    "currencies": ["BRL", "CAD", "EUR"]

Endpoint: /v1/currencies/

HTTP Method: GET

List all active and allowed currencies

Endpoint: /v1/rates/

HTTP Method: GET

List all available exchange rates

Endpoint: /v1/convert/{amount}/{currency_code}/

HTTP Method: GET

Convert the amount of the currency specified into all the currencies available

currency_code = BRL

Other currencies not implemented yet.



Endpoints to be implemented:

  • filter currencies not allowed to convert

  • enable by CODE

  • disable by CODE

  • get single currency info by CODE

  • filter all avialable rates changing base

  • convert any currency to any allowed currency


✨ Local environment set up

There are two set up, using pipenv or docker-compose. Next steps are common between them.

  • Copy _.env to .env:

      $ cp _.env .env
  • Update .env file with the right values

Using pipenv

  • Install dependencies using pipenv. In case you don't have pipenv, execute: pip install pipenv first.

      $ pipenv install

    To allow DB use, install psycopg2-binary with:

      $ pipenv install --dev
  • Run the development server executing:

      $ pipenv run server
  • To create new django application:

      $ mkdir ./api/apps/new_app_name
      $ pipenv run startapp new_app_name api/apps/new_app_name

Using docker-compose

  • Execute:

      $ docker-compose up -d build
  • To stop it execute:

      $ docker-compose stop

To test successfully set up visit: http://localhost:8000

☁️ Production environment

Set up with Gunicorn, psycopg2 and Docker deploy. Use the Dockerfile file.

To use render connect your GitHub repository and allow automatic deploy by push.

In server needs to configure this list of environment variables _.env.

Keep an eye on PORT value It is required to deploy the app, Heroku and Render assign it automatically.

On Render you could create Postgres Database and Redis instance for free.

Have a nice coding, Pythonizate!

⌨️ with ❤️ by Gabriella Martínez 😊