Search for bus routes between stops
Run the following command to import data from JSON file:
java -jar target/bus-routes-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar import src/main/resources/config.yml
Run the following command to start the server:
java -jar target/bus-routes-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server src/main/resources/config.yml
Try the following queries:
curl "'s"
curl ""
- One node per bus stop, relations are "route", properties on route define the name of routes available on the "segment"
- One node per bus stop per route, relations define one route
- Node for a stop on a route
- Node to represent one stop on a route (hub?)
- Node to represent a "hub" (a group of stops)
- Relation to define a (bus) "route"
- Relation to define path between "stops" in a "hub"