An Ansible role that installs Tentacool HPFeeds broker on Debian/Ubuntu.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
# The name of the broker
tentacool_broker_name: '@hp1'
# Port for running the broker
tentacool_port: 20000
# Max number of concurrent threads
tentacool_max_thread: 10
# The length of the queue where clients are put before assigning to a thread
tentacool_queuelen: 64
# Maximum idle time for a thread before is it terminated
tentacool_idletime: 100
The following variables can be used to build authentication records to use in tentacool:
# Authentication records
tentacool_auth: [
{ identifier: "identifier",
secret: "password",
publish: "channel.publish",
subscribe: "channel.subscribe" },
The following example playbook installs Tentacool with the name honeypot
and registers the identity honeypot
to publish and subscribe to the
hpfeed channel:
- hosts: servers
- { role: martingalloar.tentacool,
tentacool_broker_name: 'honeypot'
tentacool_auth: [
{ identifier: "honeypot",
secret: "SecretPassword",
publish: "",
subscribe: "" },
- Configurable logfile
- Option to setup MongoDB as authentication store (maybe as a separate role, to avoid adding another dependency)
This role was created by Martin Gallo.