
Point-queue simulator in Python3

Primary LanguagePython


Point-queue simulator in Python3

Instructions for an implementation

  1. Fill the «  Dsu_1.py » file (file located in folder cc)

  2. In the folder « Control_Param_Files » (folder in folder cc) indicate the file with the control parameters and the file indicating the the nice id and the type of the employed control.

More precisely in the folder « Control_Param_Files » two files should exist:

i) « fi_node_id_ctrl_type_category.txt » 

A priori each node may have a different type of control.

File « fi_node_id_ctrl_type_category.txt »  indicates which type of control should be applied at each intersection node.

Each line of this file corresponds to a specific node.

For each line, four columns correspond.

The first column indicated the node id.

The second column indicates the type of the control.

The control types available at this moment are:

0:"type_control_red_clear", 1:"type_control_FT", 2:"type_control_FT_Offset", 3:"type_control_MP", 10:"type_control_FA_no_red_clear", 11:"type_control_FA_Max_Green",
12:"type_control_FA_with_red_clear", 13:"type_control_MP_Practical", 14:"type_control_MP_without_red_clear",

remarque: if there are missing numbers it is because there exist controls which are not currently employed (mixed, MP with boundary controls, MP without negative pressure etc).

The 3rd column may take two possible values:

a) « without_sensor_requirement » if the employed control is updated at predefined times (which do not depend from the current values of flows or queues. There are the FT control, FT with offsets, all versions of MP)

b) `` with_sensor_requirement ‘’ if the employed control is updated according to the current values of flows or queues (e.g. FA, FA with max green etc.).

The fourth column indicates if the turn ratios are going to be estimated (value 1) or not (value 0) during the implementation. This make sense for controls selecting a stage with use of the saturation flows (for exemple, MP, FA etc).

ii) A file indicating the control parameters

If it is FT, FT with offsets or FA (not working yet….) only one file is required. If a version of MP is employes two files will be required.

More precisely.

a) For a FT this file is called «File_FT_Control_Alg_Param.txt»  b) For FT with offsets this file is called « File_FT_Offset_Control_Alg_Param.txt » c) For MP these file are called File_MP_Control_Alg_Param_res.txt ‘’ and File_MP_Qvalues_phases.txt » d) for MP without red clearance, these files are called File_MP_without_rc_Control_Alg_Param.txt’’ and NOT YET completed e) For MP Practical these files should be called File_MP_Practical_Control_Alg_Param.txt’’ and NOT YET completed f) for FA with red clearance this file should be called ``File_FA_with_red_clear_Control_Alg_Param.txt » g)for FA with red clearance this file should be called "File_FA_no_red_clear_Control_Alg_Param.txt" h) for FA with max green, this file should be called "File_FA_MAX_GREEN_Control_Alg_Param.txt"

Here after is a short explanation of each file, for which there is also an exemple for the network of 15 nodes in the folder Control_Param_Files

a1) File_FT_Control_Alg_Param.txt

each line corresponds to a node.` The first line of this file explains each column

For any other line:

  • the 1st column indicates the node id

  • the second column indicates the stage id. A strictly positive number if the stage is not red clearance, 0 otherwise. Stages are indicated in the file ``fi_stages_each_sign_inters.txt » included int he network folder.

  • the 3rd column indicates the actuation duration of the stage (in secs)

  • the 4th column indicates the cycle duration (this value however is not explicitly employed by the simulator).

b1)  ‘’File_FT_Offset_Control_Alg_Param.txt’’ The The first line of this file explains each column.

The rest of the lines.

2nd line indicates the master node id

3rd line indicates a sequence of (node id, value offset).

All other lines:

1st column: node id

  • the second column indicates the stage id. A strictly positive number if the stage is not red clearance, 0 otherwise. Stages are indicated in the file ``fi_stages_each_sign_inters.txt » included int he network folder.

  • the 3rd column indicates the actuation duration of the stage (in secs)

  • the 4th column indicates the cycle duration (this value however is not explicitly employed by the simulator).

c1) File_MP_Control_Alg_Param_res.txt

The first line is comments

For all other lines:

1st column: node id 2nd column : stage actuation duration 3rd column: duration of red clearance

All the other columns of the same line should be a sequence of (2nd column, 3rd column).

c2) `File_MP_Qvalues_phases.txt »

First line should be a comment

next lines:

1st column: id input link forming the phase 2nd column: id ioutput link forming the phase 3rd column; Q(l,m) value

d1) ``File_MP_without_rc_Control_Alg_Param.txt’’

1st line s comments Next lines:

1st column=id node 2nd column : control actuation duration


e1) ``File_MP_Practical_Control_Alg_Param.txt’’

1st line s comments Next lines:

1st column: id node 2nd column stage actuation duration 3rd column: duration red clearance 4th column: parameter value for switching

e2) Not yet

f1) ``File_FA_with_red_clear_Control_Alg_Param.txt » 1st line s comments Next lines:

1st column: id node 2nd column: max admissible queue size 3rd column: red clearance duration 4th column t start first control

g1) "File_FA_no_red_clear_Control_Alg_Param.txt"

1st line s comments Next lines:

1st column: id node 2nd column: max admissible queue size 3rd column t start first control

h1) "File_FA_MAX_GREEN_Control_Alg_Param.txt"

1st line s comments Next lines: 1st column: id node 2nd column: max admissible queue size 3rd column: red clearance duration 4th column t start first control 5th column: max green duration

  1. Execute file SImulation.py

On a terminal or something equivalent (depending upon the operating system of the computer) you move into folder cc (e.g.. if you have named the simulation folder sim and you place it on the desktop , with the cd command you type

i) cd Desktop/sim/sim_1/cc and then you type enter SO now you are in the folder cc where the python files are and also the file Simulation.py to execute (be careful, there is another file called Cl_Simulation.py. But what you have to execute is the one called Simulation and not Cl_Simulation.py). ii) type python3.x Simulation.py or time python3.x Simulation if you wish the time consumed by your system to run the sim.

python3.x stands for the python version you have. 3 indicates that you can run the « .Q » with any version of python 3.

for exemple if you have python3.4 you can type:

python3.4 Simulation.py and then enter.

The simulation starts.

If you run the simulator with the Dsu_1.py file as I give it to you and without modifying anything in folder Control_Param_Files, you will run a new sim of 6000 secs, for a stabilising FT control.


When a series of one or more simulations is implemented a folder named Series_Sim_date is created. Inside this folders there are folders named Fres_date corresponding to each simulation you run. Inside each folder Fres_date there are written many files employed by the current simulation (so as you will remember or verify the sim characteristics for this run). Amongst these files there is a file named ``file_recording_event_db.txt » with the recordings of the simulation. This is the file I need to explain you so as to create your own statistical analysis.