
TLKSimpleWebRTC with number of clients visible

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A iOS interface to connect to WebRTC sessions using a Signalmaster based signaling server using Socket.io.


See otalk/iOS-demo for an example application using the interface.

Build Environment

We recommend pulling the open source code (TLKSimpleWebRTC, as well as TLKWebRTC - a small part of the project that is independent of the signaling server) and the precompiled iOS libraries via CocoaPods.

Here's the Podfile that we use for that:

target "ios-demo" do

pod 'libjingle_peerconnection'
pod 'TLKWebRTC', :git => 'https://github.com/otalk/TLKWebRTC.git'
pod 'TLKSimpleWebRTC', :git => 'https://github.com/otalk/TLKSimpleWebRTC.git'


Connecting to the signaling server

You can connect to the signaling server by allocating a TLKSocketIOSignaling object. You'll also need to set a delegate to receive messages from the signaling server.

self.signaling = [[TLKSocketIOSignaling alloc] initWithVideo:YES];
self.signaling.delegate = self;

To join a chat, you need to both connect to a server and join a room.

[self.signaling connectToServer:@"signaling.simplewebrtc.com" port:80 secure:NO success:^{
    [self.signaling joinRoom:@"ios-demo" success:^{
        NSLog(@"join success");
    } failure:^{
        NSLog(@"join failure");
    NSLog(@"connect success");
} failure:^(NSError* error) {
    NSLog(@"connect failure");

Showing the video

TLKSimpleWebRTC doesn't provide any interfaces for showing the video, but you can do it with the WebRTC Objective-C interface (headers included with the precompiled WebRTC libs). Create a RTCEAGLVideoView to render in response to delegate calls from TLKSocketIOSignaling.

@interface ViewController () <TLKSocketIOSignalingDelegate, RTCEAGLVideoViewDelegate>
@property (strong, nonatomic) RTCEAGLVideoView* remoteView;


- (void)addedStream:(TLKMediaStream *)stream {
    if (!self.remoteView) {
        self.remoteView = [[RTCEAGLVideoView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 640, 480)];
        self.remoteView.delegate = self;
        [self.view addSubview:self.renderView];
        [(RTCVideoTrack*)stream.stream.videoTracks[0] addRenderer:self.remoteView];