
PortAudio wrapper for Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


This module offers realtime audio input and output in Julia based on the PortAudio library. It is still under heavy development and not well documented, yet. See the examples/ folder to get an idea of how to use it. Feedback and contributions are welcome!


  • use PortAudio.list_devices() to print an overview of available devices and their device IDs
  • use PortAudio.get_devices() to retrieve an array of device info structures
  • PortAudio.initialize() and PortAudio.terminate() will be called
    automatically by all PortAudio.jl high-level API functions. However, it can be called manually to trigger device initialization at a specific instant, too.

NOTE: Buffer underflows/overflows may occur when a script is run for the first time due to JIT compilation.


# create a random noise signal
x = convert(Array{Float32}, randn(MersenneTwister(),sample_rate*3,2))
x = x ./ 10

# simply play a single buffer
play(x, sample_rate)

# open a stream and play the audio
devID = -1 # default device
stream = open(devID, (0, 2), sample_rate, buf_size)
write(stream, x)


# simply record a few samples
y = record(2*sample_rate, 2, sample_rate)

# open a stream and record a few seconds
devID = -1 # default device
stream = open(devID, (2, 0), sample_rate, buf_size)
z = read(stream, 2*sample_rate)

Simultaneous playback and recording (duplex stream)

# create a random noise signal
x = convert(Array{Float32}, randn(MersenneTwister(),sample_rate*3,2))
x = x ./ 10

# simply play a single buffer and record simultaneosly
y = playrec(x, sample_rate)

# use default device
devID = -1
# or retrieve a specific device by name
#devID = PortAudio.find_device("default")

# open a duplex stream (not supported on all host API...)
# and read and write at the same time
stream = open(devID, (2, 2), sample_rate, buf_size)
z = readwrite(stream, x)


Most parts of the low-level PortAudio interface was taken from the AudioIO.jl module.