# DADVI experiments

This repository contains code to reproduce the results in the paper "Black Box
Variational Inference with a Deterministic Objective: Faster, More Accurate,
and Even More Black Box", by Giordano, Ingram and Broderick.

### How to install the dependencies

The first step is to install the DADVI library, which is available here:
https://github.com/martiningram/dadvi . We recommend doing this using
the Dockerfile provided to ensure that all of the models and competing
approaches work as expected.  Specifically, clone
https://github.com/martiningram/dadvi and follow the directions
to build the docker instance named `dadvi_paper`.  Then run

docker run -it --mount src=DADVI_EXPERIMENTS_REPO_PATH_HERE,target=/dadvi_experiments,type=bind --platform linux/amd64 dadvi_paper /bin/bash

where you replace `DADVI_EXPERIMENTS_REPO_PATH_HERE` with the path to
your local clone of the present `martiningram/dadvi-experiments` repository.
You should find yourself in a docker instance.  Run

cd dadvi_experiments
conda activate dadvi

and you should be running in a conda instance with dadvi and its dependencies
successfully installed.

### Reproducing the experimental results

Once DADVI is installed, the experimental results can be reproduced by running
the scripts in the `comparison` directory. There are two of these scripts:

1. `run_arm_experiments.sh`: This script runs the experiments for the models
   taken from the applied regression modelling textbook (see the paper). They
   are relatively quick to run for all methods.
2. `run_large_model_experiments.sh`: This script runs the experiments for the
   larger models in the comparison. This will take quite a while, especially
   because of the coverage experiments, which rerun DADVI 100 times for
   a different number of draws, so about 400 times per model in total.

The scripts define output directories at the start, which you should set as
you like.

Once these raw experiments are rerun, you can perform the analysis for the paper
using the `makefile` in the `analysis` folder. To do that, you should change the
`BLADE_DIR` in that makefile to wherever you saved the experiments (this should
be the `TARGET_DIR` in the scripts), and the `RERUN_DIR` to where you saved the
coverage experiments.

Latest runs

- Coverage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eb_43sNcHVkScbfN_NToU35b2tkFeLMB/view?usp=sharing
- Posteriors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TC74Pf8SPhJwI-VDp9eX1iSKc8BINXNK/view?usp=sharing