
Examples with connection to eduroam powered university networks around the world and then to IoT services or self-hosted websites..

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • From September 2023, repo is unmaintained, project archived.
  • No more changes will be made in example codes

This repo offers

  • Wifi connection to eduroam powered networks with university login, anonymous identity and password
  • Anonymous identity (visible as plaintext) is used for redirect of connection from other university to your local RADIUS server if you dont want to provide your username
  • Supported methods: PEAP + MsCHAPv2 & EAP-TTLS + MsCHAPv2

Opened ports at eduroam network

  • 50, 51, 1194, 41, 4500, 1723 - In & Out
  • 0, 500, 1000, 47, 21, 22, 80, 443, 3128, 8080, 465, 579, 143, 993, 110, 995 - Out



  • Change your identities (anonymous + username)
  • Change password
  • Link your local Root CA certificate (should find at your local eduroam admin page)
  • If using EAP-TTLS with client certificates, you need to link them too and call it in WiFi.begin(), see 2022 example
  • Upload sketch

Tested locations 2022-2023

  • Without certificate connection should work if there is in RADIUS server configuration set exception for old and special devices
University Reported by Result Realm Note
Karlsruhe University of applied science (Germany) @HeinzAlberto Working @h-ka.de Without certificate
University of Tuscia (Italy) @paluigi Working @students.unitus.it / @unitus.it Without certificate
Hogeschool Rotterdam (Netherlands) @iamstephenkerr Working @hr.nl Without certificate, ESP32-C3 board!
University of Konstanz (Germany) Frieder Working @uni-konstanz.de Without certificate
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) Even Working @ntnu.no Without certificate
TU Dortmund University @Chasethechicken Working @tu-dortmund.de Without certificate

Successful connection example

alt text

Unsucessful connection example

alt text


Tested boards

  • ESP32 Devkit v1
  • ESP32 Devmodule v4
  • Lolin D32
  • Lolin D32 Pro
  • NodeMCU-32S
  • Xiao Seeed Studio ESP32-C3