
Simple Message Queue Powered by Redis

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fast & lightweight message queue for Node.js powered by Redis.

First In First Out (FIFO) type of flow
alt text


  • Lightweight: Redis + ~200 lines of javascript
  • Atomic: messages are delivered only once to a consumer
  • High Performance: send/receive 10000+ messages per second on an average machine
  • Linked List Structure: Fast operations O(1) to remove and add a message to the queue.
  • Visibility timeout for messages that are received but not proccesed
  • RESTful interface
  • Test Coverage

Endpoints Usage

POST "/" - Submit a string with the message/task/job

GET "/" - Request a json object with the next job, id and timestamp

POST "/jobdone/" - Submit a json object identical to the one requested previously in order to delete it succesfully

Detailed API Docs for routes can be found at ./server.js


npm install
npm run postinstall
npm run start

Note: You need a Redis instance running on port 6379, run the following docker command to achieve that:
docker run --name redis_container -d -p 6379:6379 -i -t redis:alpine


In order to improve this module and scale it to be production ready the next steps would be recommended:

  • Set up a worker that persists data to a local database regularly as a backup
  • Set up a logger and any other middleware required (log4js)
  • Add Authentication for consumers/producers (e.g jwt)
  • Add CI tools such as ESLint to detect failures before sending to production
  • Limit number of incoming requests by IP (e.g. express-rate-limit)
  • Extract secrets or encrypt them if there was any (e.g bcrypt)

Potencial Issues

  • Downtime: The server must go on and get restarted upon failures, dockerize and set up a cluster management tool to fix this (docker-compose)
  • Security vulnerabilities:  Implement rate limiting using a cloud firewall to prevent Dos attacks and subsequent denial of service
  • Dependencies vulnerabilities: Keep dependencies in check by tracking and monitoring them with package management tools (npm audit)