#DRI Relay Module for Sprinkler System
These set of scripts read sensor data from a monitor device, and posts them to a web server
###app-client.lua App instructions for reading and posting data to tcp server.
Contains server and serial interface information such as IP
rate, and
number. Read by app-client.lua
Ignored in this repository, must contain information about the network that
the ESP8266 must connect to. Rename credentials.example.lua
to credentials.lua
. Read by init.lua.
Contain initiation instructions to set up the device by connecting the device to
the network. This file reads credentials.lua
, so make sure it exists.
###tcp-server.ls TCP server.
- Clone this repository.
- cd into it, and run
npm install
- Use ESPTool to put init.lua, app-client.lua, credentials.lua, and server-settings.lua into the HUZZAH 8266 module (tested on Ubuntu 14.04 machine).
- Run the server with
npm start
. - Reset the Wifi module, and watch for the server to log "CONNECTED!!!" to the console.