#DRI Relay Module for Sprinkler System

These set of scripts read sensor data from a monitor device, and posts them to a web server

###app-client.lua App instructions for reading and posting data to tcp server.

###server-settings.lua Contains server and serial interface information such as IP, BAUD rate, and PORT number. Read by app-client.lua

###credentials.lua Ignored in this repository, must contain information about the network that the ESP8266 must connect to. Rename credentials.example.lua to credentials.lua. Read by init.lua.

###init.lua Contain initiation instructions to set up the device by connecting the device to the network. This file reads credentials.lua, so make sure it exists.

###tcp-server.ls TCP server.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd into it, and run npm install
  3. Use ESPTool to put init.lua, app-client.lua, credentials.lua, and server-settings.lua into the HUZZAH 8266 module (tested on Ubuntu 14.04 machine).
  4. Run the server with npm start.
  5. Reset the Wifi module, and watch for the server to log "CONNECTED!!!" to the console.