
KMM API wrapper for Prague open data Golemio API

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Golemio Kotlin KMM Library

Golemio Kotlin is a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) library for accessing Prague open data from Golemio API. It implements most of the API documentation GET methods and provides the data in Kotlin data structures. This project has been developed as a diplomat thesis on the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business.



First of all, you need to get your Golemio API key here.


Then it would help if you implemented this dependency in your build.gradle.kts file:


Access to the data

The data can be accessed via various clients. 12 clients represent 12 data sets. Those are designed to contain methods to match the documentation API documentation. Example of usage:

val airQualityClient: AirQualityClient = AirQualityClient("yourApiKey")

val data = airQualityClient.getAllAirQualityStations(
            latlng = Pair("50.124935", "14.457204"),
            range = 5000,
            districts = listOf("praha-4", "praha-5"),
            limit = 100,
            offset = 10,
            updatedSince = "2023-05-18T07:38:37.000Z",
Available clients:
  • AirQualityClient
  • BicycleCountersClient
  • CityDistrictsClient
  • GardensClient
  • MedicalInstitutionsClient
  • MunicipalAuthoritiesClient
  • MunicipalLibrariesClient
  • MunicipalPoliceStationsClient
  • ParkingClient (v1)
  • PlaygroundsClient
  • WasteCollectionClient


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for more details.