
Useful set of library functions for VHDL

Primary LanguageVHDL

This project contains some useful library functions for VHDL.

It is licensed under the Creative Common Zero license - no rights

"To the extent possible under law,
  Martin Thompson, 
  Mike Tresler,
  Hendrick Eeckhaut,
  Sigasi nv and
  Michael Frechtling 
have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring
rights to the libv project.
This work is published from: 
  United Kingdom, 
  and the United States of America."

This means:

* You can use it for any purpose.  
* No warranty of any kind is given or implied.

It would be appreciated if you contributed any improvements you make
back to the project.  Contributions received  (for example, pull requests 
received on Github) will be interpreted as agreeing to waive 
copyright and related rights as described above.

The central place to get this library of code from is here:


Running the tests

The test script is written for ghdl under Linux

$ ./test_libv

or on Windows:

C:> test_libv.bat