
Build and Debug ST32L053-Discovery Demo Project with "GNU MCU Eclipse" (aka. "GnuArmEclipse")

Primary LanguageMakefile

Build and debug ST32L053-Discovery Demo Project with "GNU MCU Eclipse" (aka. "GnuArmEclipse")

Tools and Sources used

  • Linux, OS-X or Windows host (I used GNU/Linux Debian)

  • Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

  • "GNU MCU Eclipse" (aka. "GNU ARM Eclipse")

Then Build the discovery project

  • git clone this project directly into the workspace directory aside of 'stm32cubel0'
  • after startin Eclipse...
  • Import the Project by File > Import > General > Existing Project into Workspace --> Select Root directory: use [Browse] to select the 'stm32l053-discovery-demo' folder
  • Then build the project by: Project > Build all

Trouble shooting

  • if the source files are not opened when doubleclicked you possibly have no directory or link stm32cubel0 with the content of the STM32CubeL0 firmware folder!

Flash Project

  • Run > Run Configurations...
  • Double click on 'GDB OpenOCD Debugging'
  • enter on Tab [Debugger] of newly created entry:
    Config options: -f board/stm32l0discovery.cfg
  • then click [Run]

GDB Debugging

  • by perorming the last point you should already have a Debug configuration under Run > Run Configurations...
  • execute it to start a GDB Debug session

Add general Project for stm32cubel0

  • to easily inspect any files under the stm32cubel0 firmware folder do...
  • File > New > Project... > General Project [Project Name: 'stm32cubel0']

Create your own projects based on this

  • Copy the project in eclipse
  • add other stm32cubel0 source files you wish (by copying if you want to modify them otherwise by drag and drop and link)
  • add missing Includes under project settings C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols... [Includes]

How did I build this project and how could you the same for other STM32Cube Project

  • In Eclipse create a new C Project of type "STM32F0xx C/C++ Project' named 'stm32l053-discovery-demo'

  • In the Eclipse Project tree, delete all files and folders of the newly generated project

  • delete the Project in Eclipse without deleting the folder

  • Execute following script to copy and adapt the .project file (needs sed tool)

#! /bin/sh


sed \
  • in Eclipse open new Workspace at folder 'stm32cubel0' then File > Import... the Discovery Demo project: Projects/STM32L053C8-Discovery/Demonstrations/SW4STM32

  • In project settings C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols... Export the Paths and Symbols to a xml file

  • Change back to the original workspace...

  • and File > Import... the 'stm32l053-discovery-demo' project again

  • To get the compiler an linker settings of the original project... $ grep value stm32cubel0/Projects/STM32L053C8-Discovery/Demonstrations/SW4STM32/.cproject

  • and adapt project settings under C/C++ Build > Settings accordingly (it takes quite long until this dialog opens!)

  • Copy stm32cubel0/Projects/STM32L053C8-Discovery/Demonstrations/SW4STM32/STM32L053C8Tx_FLASH.ld to stm32l053-discovery-demo/ldscripts/

  • and change C/C++ Build > Settings >>Linker accordingly to use (only) this file

  • add in STM32L053C8Tx_FLASH.ld the references for _Heap_Begin and _Heap_Limit

  • rename Application/SW4STM32 to Application/startup

  • because startup_stm32l053xx.s is not compiled/linked (reason unknown) ... a vectors_stm32l0xx.c was generated manually

Have fun Matthias