
Cheat sheet for interacting with the SLURM scheulder

SLURM cheat sheat

Submit a job

Submission with sbatch:

sbatch my_job_file.sh

Stop everything going into the nbi-long partition:


Submitting a job which depends upon the successful completion of another job. (Assuming a job is currently either running or in the queue with ID number 123)

sbatch --dependency=afterok:123 my_job_file.sh

Submitting a job with multiple dependencies can be achieved using a colon to seperate job IDs. (The following example assumes two jobs which are running or in the queue with IDs 123 and 456)

sbatch --dependency=afterok:123:456 my_job_file.sh

If you don't care about successful completion of a dependency in order to start the subsequent job, e.g. the dependency can fail with but you still want the next job to run afterwards, you can substitute afterok with afterany.

Submitting an array of tasks

This is useful when you wish to run the same program with the same parameters on several files. In your job submission file you would have something like the following;

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH -p nbi-short
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --array=0-4

source fastqc-0.11.3

ARRAY=(sample_01.fastq.gz sample_02.fastq.gz sample_03.fastq.gz sample_04.fastq.gz sample_05.fastq.gz)

srun fastqc ${ARRAY[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}

Two important things to note with this are;

  • The resources you request are per-cpu. If you get this wrong and simply use --mem then that's the complete memory for the whole job so you will likely fail. The same goes for cpu.
  • The array starts at zero hence 0-2

You can also specify specific elements in the array, e.g. element 0 and 2, excluding 1 and 3;

#SBATCH --array=0,2,4

Specifying the number of concurrent tasks at any one time, in this case 2;

#SBATCH --array=0-4%2

Limiting the number of concurrent tasks is especially important if you wish to submit a job array with hundreds of tasks. You may have to consider other resources besides just CPU and RAM, namely storage.

For example, if the program you're running creates large temporary files while processing. The CPU/RAM resources may be low and/or readily available however if all tasks create large temporary files at the same time you may reach your quota, killing all of your jobs. Limiting the number of concurrent tasks is a useful way to mitigate this.

Info on running/pending jobs

Info in all running jobs:


Just my jobs:

squeue -u hartleym

Just one job:

squeue -j 631978

With priority information (i.e. whose jobs should schedule next):

squeue -O jobid,name,username,priority,state

When can I expect my jobs to start:

squeue -u hartleym --start

Detailed information about a pending/running job:

scontrol show jobid -dd 524552

Information about utilisation of a running job

     seff 25472175


Show detailed information using atop about node on which a job is running:

snodetop -j 3455708

For a particular node:

snodetop -n n128n1


Show resource allocation of nodes you have access to:


For all nodes on the cluster:

snoderes -a

Information about completed jobs

Show detailed information about a single job:

sacct -j 524552 --format=JobID,JobName,MaxRSS,Elapsed

all jobs:

sacct --format=JobID,JobName,MaxRSS,Elapsed

Fair shares/scheduling information

Show information about the fair shares for NBI users:

sshare -a -A nbi

Just one person:

sshare -u hartleym

See scheduler weights:

sprio -w

See a job's priority:

sprio -j 714141


Default reporting period is yesterday. Change with:

sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser accounts=nbi start=1/1/16 end=3/8/16

Who's the biggest:

sreport user TopUsage accounts=nbi start=1/1/16 end=3/8/16

See more people:

sreport user TopUsage accounts=nbi start=1/1/16 end=3/8/16 TopCount=20

Better format:

sreport user TopUsage accounts=nbi start=1/1/16 end=3/8/16 format=Login,Proper,Used

Showing config info

Show information about the scheduler/priority setup:

scontrol show config | grep SchedulerType
scontrol show config | grep PriorityType