Question: What is the intended way to set the DataType when creating a schema manually?
Arnagos opened this issue · 2 comments
What is the intended way to set the DataType when creating a schema manually? As far as I can see almost all of the code is set to internal
. I'm currently creating the type manually but I'm not quite sure, whether I'm creating them the same way as you.
DatabaseReader doesn't actually check the database for DataTypes (normally*), so you can populate it with a dummy connection string (even string.Empty). Take the schema from that - you can discard the reader-, and all the manual building will use the data types.
*It has to for some of the older dbs where we still use their provider- Sybase dbs, Ingres, VistaDb. But it is ok for SqlServer/Oracle/MySql/Sqlite/PostgreSql etc
var reader = new DatabaseReader("dummyNotNull", SqlType.PostgreSql);
var schema = reader.DatabaseSchema;
.AddColumn("DEPARTMENT_ID", "NUMBER(4,0)").AddPrimaryKey()
Added a convenience method that does the above, with an explicit SqlType for the supported databases.
var schema = new DatabaseSchema(null, SqlType.PostgreSql)