Read database metadata (from SqlServer/Oracle/MySql/SQLite/PostgreSql/DB2 etc) into one simple model
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Postgresql - few issues
#189 opened by MikeKry - 4
MariaDb is not supported?
#177 opened by PatriceDargenton - 1
Question: How to add IF EXISTS to generated DDL
#179 opened by swidz - 3
c# code gen does not compile.
#180 opened by Charles113 - 1
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Question: Convert DataTable to DatabaseTable?
#178 opened by swidz - 3
Async Version?
#176 opened by samcov - 2
Duplicating of MSSQL User Data Types
#173 opened by icansiz - 6
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Script User Defined Types
#171 opened by whibdev - 3
UseGranularBatching does not use 'GO' statement terminations for create index syntax
#170 opened by whibdev - 4
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SqlServerMigrationGenerator.FindDefaultConstraint uses the new column name to drop constraints of the old column
#166 opened by Arnagos - 5
DdlGeneratorFactory use ‘GO’ instead of semicolon to terminate statements in same file
#168 opened by whibdev - 2
Generate SQL Create Scripts for existing tables
#167 opened by whibdev - 0
fix mysql bool type
#165 opened by tonyliving - 2
Mysql script error for multiply primary key defined
#158 opened by Cricle - 3
Will support sqlserver high version?
#159 opened by Cricle - 5
Here is a small piece of code I created to clone a database but only using the first 10 records for each table
#151 opened by OscarAgreda - 1
.AddColumn() can generate invalid SQL
#161 opened by Arnagos - 7
Cannot use unique index as reference for constraint columns (only unique constraints)
#150 opened by Arnagos - 1
Stored Procedure Schema is not generating the POCO class for User Defined Table Type which is used as input parameter
#153 opened by marafiq - 1
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Console.Writeline in ResultSetReader.Execute method
#154 opened by whibdev - 1
PostgreSqlMigrationGenerator.AlterColumn does not handle DateTimeOffSet DbType correctly
#155 opened by groogiam - 2
DatabaseResultSet Column DataType Null Exception
#152 opened by whibdev - 4
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CompareSchema ignores the column order for indices
#149 opened by Arnagos - 0
DatabaseIndex columns are not in the correct order
#148 opened by Arnagos - 1
Feature Request: Ability to only include tables that match a given pattern or name
#147 opened by Arnagos - 2
PostgreSQL table generation double single quotes issue
#145 opened by r-work - 2
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CompareSchema: Changing an index adds an 'Add' result to the list instead of a 'Change' result
#143 opened by Arnagos - 0
CompareSchema: Changing an index does not take the uniqueness and filter into account
#144 opened by Arnagos - 8
MigrationGenerator.DropColumn does not take unique index (maybe all indices?) into account
#139 opened by Arnagos - 3
use “DatabaseReader.Table(tableName)” bug?
#133 opened by cm0201 - 2
Question: What is the intended way to set the DataType when creating a schema manually?
#138 opened by Arnagos - 1
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PostgreSQL: Cannot use functions as default value
#131 opened by Arnagos - 2
DropTable only takes the ForeignKeyChildren into account and ignores the ForeignKeys of the table itself
#136 opened by Arnagos - 2
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[Suggestion] Add a ViewExists method
#130 opened by iulian0512 - 2
.NET core 6
#128 opened by fasteddys