Clojure Diff Action (using autochrome)

Runs autochrome on PR diffs and adds a comment to the PR with a link to the structurual diff created by autochrome.

  • Currently this relies on an external service that stores and serves the resulting diff (HTML file). This service is maintained as a Firebase function in functions/.
  • :warn: Because this service stores diffs in a publicly readable way (if you know the URL) it is probably best not to use this action with proprietary code.
  • A minimal example PR can be found here: #2

Things that could be improved

  • Update the PR description with a link to the diff instead of adding comment add the end of the PR thread.
  • Adjust the design of autochrome's diffs to be less different to GitHub's diffs.
  • Potentially ignore non-Clojure code in autochrome diffs.
  • More? Open an issue!


      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master
          fetch-depth: 0       # <<< important
      - name: Run Autochrome
        uses: martinklepsch/autochrome-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License