
Omega Discord bot is a javascript bot written and built by myself. Personal fun project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Omega Discord bot

Omega Discord bot is a javascript bot written and built by myself. Personal fun project.

Version: 0.5.0


Prefix for commands: o!

Balance commands 💲

  • balance <args> - Displays the user's current balance. Arguments: top - displays top 10 richest users.
  • buy <short name of item> - Buys an item from a list of items.
  • daily - Initializes the wallet and gives daily coins.
  • give <amount> <user> - Gives coins to another user.
  • inv - Displays the user's inventory.
  • store - Displays the Omega store.

Fun commands 😊

  • 8ball - Ask 8ball a question and you shall receive an answer.
  • define <word> - Returns a word definition from Urban Dictionary that user requested.
  • definernd - Returns a random urban dictionary word.
  • dream <word> - Dream of a place or thing.
  • dreamrnd - Dream of a random place or thing.
  • insult - Insult yourself.
  • kiss <user> - Kiss another user. 😳
  • shibe - SHIBESSS. 🥺
  • simp <user> - Call out someone for simping.

Game commands 🎲

  • game <args> - Starts a game. Arguments: roulette, trivia.
  • joing - Joins a game.

General commands ℹ

  • help <command name> - Displays all commands or a specific command.
  • info - Displays info about the bot.

Mod commands 🛠

  • pin <message id> - "Pins" a message and attachments in Hall of Fame channel. Hall of Fame channel must be set.
  • punish <member> <reason> - Punishes a member. Punished role must be set.
  • sethof <channel> - Sets the Hall of Fame channel.
  • setlog <channel> - Sets the log channel for the bot.
  • setrole <args> <role> - Sets the toles for the server. Arguments: default - when a user joins the server or is unpunished, it's assigned this role. punished - role for punished users.
  • unpunish <user> - Unpunishes a punished member. Unpunished role must be set.

Music commands 🎵

  • joinvc - Joins a voice channel.
  • loadpl - Loads a preset playlist.
  • loops - Loops a playlist.
  • nowplaying - Displays the current song.
  • npmsg - Turns off now playing messages.
  • pause - Pauses a song.
  • play <link or position> - Plays a song.
  • queue - Displays the current queue.
  • remove <position> - Removes a song from the queue.
  • resume - Resumes the song.
  • skip <position> - Skips a song. Can skip to position given.
  • stop - Stops the player.
  • volume - Sets the volume for a song. 2 is double, 1 is normal, 0.5 is half. Goes up to 4.

Created on the 28th Feburary 2021