
  • The game is presented in a horizontal slice format to give a general idea of what the finished product would be


The game includes several features that were listed in the original game pitch:

  • Players are able to move left and right using the A and D keys
  • Players are able to perform Jumping actions using the SPACEBAR
  • Players are allowed to destroy blocks/tiles and collect them using the E key
    • Note all tiles that are not "Spikes" are breakable and you can fall off the map
  • Players are allowed to place blocks in the game world using the Q key
  • A basic HUD is present, and it shows the current health of the player, the number of blocks they have and has a quit button
  • There is a start menu included that can start the game or quit the application
  • Players can be damaged by spikes and die
  • On death, players are respawned into the game world

How to install/execute the game:

The game engine used for this game is "Godot", and it can be acquired in two ways:

To install the game, make sure you have "Godot" game engine on your workstation. Next export the entire project into a folder. This folder will have all the necessary sprites, libraries and scripts to run the game.

To execute the game, you can either run the "Paperoria.exe" file or open up the project file to access the devolpment version of the game.