
GWT Maps V3 Javascript Bindings

Primary LanguageJava

##Use Google Maps V3 in GWT tiny arrow Live Demo

Here is the most recent build of the GWT-Maps-V3-Api.

We've already Mavenized this project, but are currently having it added to the Central Repo. Until then, here are the current jars.

##Recent Build (11 Apr 12 01:56)

##To Build (with Maven

  1. Download the jar (only gwt-maps-api-v3-3.8.0-beta1.jar is needed)

  2. Add the jars to your local repo.

  3. Add the dependencies to your POM.

    com.google.gwt.maps gwt-maps-api-v3 gwt-maps-api-v3-3.8.0-beta1 compile com.google.gwt.google-apis gwt-ajaxloader 1.1.0
  4. Add the inherits statement to your module.gwt.xml.

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