Refresh is a simple jQuery plugin which makes it easy to continuously update selected elements with data polled from an arbitrary JSON endpoint.
Load jQuery and this plugin:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.refresh.js"></script>
Next, create appropriate HTML markup and set the data-id
attribute on the element you want to
<div class="status">
Status of job 3: <span id="job-status" data-id="3">unknown</span>
Let's suppose we have an endpoint at the (relative) URL /jobs/:id:/status
which returns JSON
objects like the following:
{"id": 42, "status": "pending"}
Then, polling and updating the element using this data source can be achieved by setting up Refresh like this:
$("#job-status").refreshJSON("activate", {
// URL of the JSON endpoint (:id: will be the element's data-id attribute)
url: "/jobs/:id:/status",
// refresh interval in milliseconds
interval: 10000,
// success callback function receiving the element as context (this) and the JSON data
success: function(data) {
// update the element
if (someCondition) {
// if you don't want to poll forever
jQuery Refresh is released under the GNU GPL version 3.