
This is a simple project that enables authentication on an api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note: The project is not yet finish. Follow the project if you like to see updates.

Sails API authentication

a Sails application


This project is a template for an API with authentication.
It contains three models User, Token and Event. Although Event is just a dummy endpoint to show how this resource is protected.


  1. Request a token (getToken) with providing a registered email and password
  2. Consume a resource (event) with providing the returned token

Install instructions

This project needs to have Node.js, Npm, and MongoDB installed to work. Following are the instructions to install each dependency. In case you are installing it on a Mac, you should first install Homebrew, it's the best way to manage these packages on a Mac.

Here are described the instructions for both Mac OS X and Linux Ubuntu.

Homebrew (Just for Mac OS X)

To make it easier to install all the dependencies, using a package manager like Homebrew is highly recommended. Ubuntu already comes with apt-get, which serves the same purpose.

To install Homebrew, run in the Terminal prompt:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew update
brew doctor
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

For more information, please refer to the Homebrew website.

Node.js and Npm

Node.js is the JavaScript runtime engine we are using. Npm is the package manager for Node.js that comes with it.

For Mac OS X:

brew install node

Some npm packages have now to be installed globally:

npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g sails
npm install -g mocha

For more information: (https://changelog.com/posts/install-node-js-with-homebrew-on-os-x) (http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/install-node-js-npm-mac)


MongoDB is the database used by the project. It's a NoSQL type of database.

For Mac OS X:

brew install mongodb

For more information: (https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.0/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/)

Project dependencies

On the project root, run these commands:

npm install -g sails
bower install
npm install

Launch instructions

Start the app:

sails lift

Test endpoints:
Import the file sails-api-authentication.postman_collection which you find in the project root with Postman.

  1. Create a user with the first request of the collection: http://localhost:1337/user
  2. Request a token with the second request: http://localhost:1337/getToken
  3. Copy the received token in the response body and call the next request
  4. Consume all events with the third request by pasting the received token as the x-token header field: http://localhost:1337/event/