
Extendable Node.js library for the Amazon Web Services API (currently including EC2 and Product Advertising API)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node-AWS for EC2 and Product Advertising

A simple Node.js library to communicate with the Amazon Web Services API.

It includes specific clients for the EC2 and Product Advertising API but is designed to be easily extendable.

All responses are parsed to JSON.

Some simple usage examples:

var aws = require("aws-lib");

ec2 = aws.createEC2Client(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey);

ec2.call("DescribeInstances", {}, function(result) {

Returns you something like: [...] {"item":{ "instanceId":"i-acb2d1db","imageId":"ami-03765c77", "instanceState": {"code":"80","name":"stopped"}, "privateDnsName":{},"dnsName":{}, "reason":"User initiated (2010-07-28 19:37:54 GMT)" [...]

or when using the Product Advertising API: prodAdv = aws.createProdAdvClient(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey, yourAssociateTag);

prodAdv.call("ItemSearch", {SearchIndex: "Books", Keywords: "Javascript"}, function(result) {

Will return you a long list of Books...