
My vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

Date: 2013-11-11 Title: My vimrc documentation



git clone git@github.com:martinos/dotvim.git ~/.vim

Create symlinks:

ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc

Cheat Sheet

File explorer

If you want an explorer from where vim was started

:sp .
:vs .

If you want to open an explorer from the directory of the file you are currently editing.

Horizontal split view:


Vertical split view:


In the Explorer

  • %: create a file
  • d: create a directory
  • R: rename a file


Once CtrlP is open

  • <c-t>: Open in new tab
  • <c-x>: Open in horizontal split
  • <c-v>: Open in vertical split
  • <c-y>: Create a new file
  • <c-j> or <c-k>: Move up and down

Edition Tips

To toggle characters


To toggle lines



List buffers:


Next buffer:


Open buffer N in horizontal split:

:sbuffer N

Open buffer N in vertical split:

:vert sb N



To list all register:


- "": default register
- "0: yank register
- "\_: black hole register
- "*: Copy to the local clipboard

The yank register, as it's name says it contains the last yanked register. This buffer is not replaced by the deleted lines or character

We can append to a register by using the capital version of the register


To reset a register


Quick Fix

To open the quick fix window.


To go to the previous/next element in the quick fix :cnext :cprev

To facilitate navigation into the quick fix, you can use the unimpaired.vim plugin

Unimpaired |Vim    |Action
[q			:cprev	jump to previous quickfix item
]q			:cnext	jump to next quickfix item
[Q			:cfirst	jump to first quickfix item
]Q			:clast	jump to last quickfix item


	CTRL-N	: Go to next file 
	CTRL-P	: Go to previous file
	- key 	: Add file to the index when not staged
		  	: Remove the file from the index. git reset equivalent
    SHIFT-c : Open the commit window

	The index is on the left window
	The working copy is on the right window
	:Gwrite in the working copy window write the content of the file to the index
	:Gwrite in the index window, writes the content of the file to the working copy
	:Gread is the inverse of Gwrite

	From the index it gets the hunk from the working copy to the index.
	Refresh the diff windows when vim is confused
	Diff optain, when you type 'do' at the end of block that is not existing on the index.


Go to a definition. Memo trick: you go into the cave.


Get out of a definition. Memo trick: you get out of the cave.


:tag method_name_to_acces
:tag /validates_presence_of_.* # It can accept regular expression.


:Rfind event # You can tab and it will iterated through mondels controllers helper etc.

gf 	# Go to file under the cursor, 
	# it works for active record relation
	# partials, routes and even url helpers
:RVunittest # Opens the unit test in a vertical split
:RSunittest # Opens the unit test in a horizontal split
:RTunittest # Opens the unit test in a new tabs
:Rake # Run the current test
:Rgenerate migration add_coco_to_foo

:A opens alternate file :A opens alternate file in a horizontal split :Av opens alternate file in a vertical split

Jump list

Print the list where the


To jump back to the last jump

C-O # Go out of a jump
C-I # Jump in


Snippets location: ~/.vim/snippets

Exuberant CTags



dit => delete inner tag cit => change inner tag yit => yank inner tag vit => visual inner tag

dat => delete a tag

Window management

To swap the two buffers:

Ctrl-w r

Flip windows


ci" # Change inside "
da" # Delete a around "
gi  # Return back to last insertion location

To reload vimrc :so %

Sparkup plugin





<leader> sbp => Prompt for profile
<leader> se  => Execute under cursor
<leader> slt => List all tables
<leader> sdt => Describe table column
<leader> slc => Create an alias for the table under cursor.
                List the columns with the alias in the yank buffer.

R in the result buffer: Refreshes the buffer