AnyPoint Connectors Certification Verifier

The objective of this project is to automate most of the current certification rules


There are 4 types of different rules supported. New rules can be configured in the file src/main/resources/rules.json. For each rule, the following attributes must be declared:

  • type: Rule id to be used. The following types are currently supported: source.pom, source.xml, and structure.
  • id: Unique id assigned to this rule.
  • severity: Criticity of the rule. It can be either critical, major , minor or .
  • brief: Short description of the objective of the rule.
  • description: Full description of the objective of the rule.
  • section: Section within the certification documentation where this rule is declared.
  • accept: If the expression is satisfied over the processed file, the assert expression will be executed. The type of accept expressions depends on the rule type.
  • assert: Assert expression to be verified over the file being processed. The type of expression depends on the rule type.

Rule Type 'source.pom'

This rules can be configured with a XPath expression that needs to be satisfied. Both assert and accept expresion are XPath expressions. accept and assert must be a valid XPath expressions.

      "type": "source.pom",
      "id": "dist_management_other",
      "severity": "critical",
      "brief": "pom.xml distributionManagement must be properly configured.",
      "description": "Premium and Select connectors define '' as repository.",
      "section": "3.3 Code Compliance.",
      "accept": "not(/pom:project/pom:properties/pom:category[text()='Premium' or text()='Select'])",
      "assert": "/pom:project/pom:distributionManagement/pom:repository/pom:id[text()='mulesoft-releases'] and /pom:project/pom:distributionManagement/pom:repository/pom:url[text()='']"

Rule Type ''

This rule enables the inspections of source java classes. In this case, the accept expression can be a XPath expression of the file name and an annotation for the classes. The assert must be a class implementing the class or either

      "type": "",
      "id": "processor_params",
      "severity": "major",
      "brief": "Mandatory parameters should be part of the payload.",
      "description": "It's strongly recommended that all mandatory parameters be defined as part of the payload. Consider creating a complex object as grouping all the parameters.",
      "section": "Best Practices",
      "accept": ".+/$;org.mule.api.annotations.Connector",
      "assert": ""

Rule Type 'structure'

This rule allows the existences of files within the project. Assert expressions could contains variables that can be used to express file patterns. Supported variables are

  • connector_package: Connector package using file separators insteaf of '.'.
  • connector_processor: Connectors processor name in camel case format.
      "type": "structure",
      "id": "test_by_processor",
      "severity": "critical",
      "brief": "There must be an unit test class per processor",
      "description": "There must be an unit test class per processor",
      "section": "Directory Structure",
      "assert": "src/test/java/${connector_package}/automation/functional/${connector_processor}"

Rule Type 'source.xml'


Ignoring Inspections

In some cases, connector could have false positives and you would like to ignore them. For this, a .certignore file can be added to the root of the connector to disable the inspection error. An example of this:

processor_params_readonly:createBatchForQuery = The processor setPassword requires complex object due the complexity of the system.

Error UUID will be reported as part of the report.


Execution could be started executing: connector-module-path


  • Improve documentation
  • Complete structure checks
  • Integrate with Sonar
  • Create a Maven Mojo
  • Extend support of expressions variables such as connector_name and category
  • What else is required ?