
A simple web crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Simple crawler

Built as a test task for a job and serves no practical purpose.


The crawler is a Python package, it installs a command line tool named crawler, which takes a domain name and output file path as arguments. Optionally debug logging can be enabled with the --verbose option.

The quickest way to get started would be to build a Docker image and run the crawler as a container.

docker build -t mraag/crawler .
docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -it mraag/crawler:latest hypercritical.co sitemap.txt

The run command mounts the current working directory in the container and executes the command in it, to ensure the output file will be saved there.

Alternatively install the Python application directly. The application depends on Python 3.8 and Poetry. You might want to use pyenv to manage the Python installation.

# Build the pacakge
poetry build
# Create and activate a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install the package in it
pip install dist/crawler-*.whl
# Run the crawler
crawler hypercritical.co sitemap.txt

The output file will include one line per crawled path under the domain. Each line is a comma separated list of paths, where the first value is the path of the crawled page and subsequent values are all links found on the page.

For example:


The page at path / includes links to /foo and /bar, the page at path /foo includes links to /bar and /baz etc.

Development setup

Development requires the same dependencies as are required for running the application, described above.

Install requirements for development.

poetry install --develop=.

Run tests.

poetry run pytest

Run the command line tool.

poetry run crawler hypercritical.co sitemap.txt