
Python code for accessing and retrieving data from the Twitter API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python code for accessing and retrieving data from the Twitter API

POST Request

The POST request must be made first to gain the bearer token from Twitter's servers. To make the request you must create a Twitter app (https://apps.twitter.com/). After the app is made, copy the following information:

  • Twitter API consumer key
  • Twitter API consumer secret

These are unique to each app created. The consumer key and secret must then be concatenated together sperated by a colon, as shown below:

Consumer secret = xxx111

Consumer key = 111xxx

Consumer secret:Consumer key


This concatenated string must then be base 64 encoded (https://www.base64encode.org/).

The base 64 encoded string can then be inserted into the POST request code replacing the text "Base64_Encoded_Consumer_String" in line 3 of POST.py.

When run, the program will return the bearer token.

GET Request

The GET request makes a request to the Twitter API for data and the API replies. The bearer token from the POST request must be instered in place fo the text "Bearer_Token_Goes_Here" in line 19 of GET.py. The URL in the function "requests.get" can be changed to aquire different information, see https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/search for details on what variables can be passed into the URL.