
Reactive Programming - Exercise 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript


In this exercise you need to implement an elevator controller in either Haskell or Scala. The folder gui contains a simulation running in an svg which communicates with your implementation. You do not need to touch this part. Choose your language and then consult either.

  • haskell/README.md or
  • scala/README.md

for instructions on running.

Configuring the simulation

When you started your implementation you can access it on localhost:3000/elevator.svg. There are three available configuration variables which may be changed by passing query parameters to the url.

  • floors: an integer indicating how many floors the building should have (Default: 9)
  • shafts: an integer indicating how many elevator shafts there should be (Default: 4)
  • speed: a floating point number which is a multiplier on the simulation time. Higher values = faster simulation. (Default: 1.0)

Example: localhost:3000/elevator.svg?floor=20&speed=1.5 creates a building with 20 floors and runs the simulation by factor 1.5 faster.