
Let the large png file decompose into tiny png file with the use of plist and png files.

Primary LanguagePython

unpack plist png

Let the large png file decompose into tiny png file with the use of plist and png files.


The script "unpack_plist.py" only work in windows environment. Before using it, you should :

1.install python2.7(make sure python is correspond to pillow, that means 32bit to 32bit.)
2.install Python Extension Packages Pillow‑2.6.1.win32‑py2.7.exe or Pillow‑2.6.1.win‑amd64‑py2.7.exe.

here is download url: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pil


Put "unpack_plist.py" script file in the same directory with plist and png files. use the command:

python unpack_plist.py plistname

then the folder name "plistname" will be made and it includes tiny png files you want.


if the current directory has files "unpack_plist.py" "MessageImage.plist" and "MessageImage.png", the only work you should do is typing the follow command: python unpack_plist.py MessageImage. Then the tiny png files are made.