
Django inspired micro-framework for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

#Emerald: README

Emerald is a PHP micro framework for rapid web development and prototyping It's inspired by frameworks like Sinatra, Limonade and my favourite framework Django.

With Emerald you can create reusable apps and copy them across projects with minimal effort. Emerald is counterpart to Crystal, together they form minimalistic framework stack.

Introduction to Emerald

Building something else, beyond simple apps with microframeworks is a painful process. Emerald is my attempt to solve this problem.

Emerald is build around two ideas, that I borrow from Django - multiple apps and urlpatterns. Besides that with Emerald you can prototype your application defining the url parameters like this:

/** get '/' **/
function welcome()
	$this->render_raw("<html><body>Welcome to my app</body></html>");

/** get '/hello/world' **/
function hello()

	$this->render_raw("<html><body>Hello world</body></html>");


Building your first application

Download the latest package from github. Paste the Emerald package in your apache served directory. Open the file /path/to/Emerald/config/settings.php Edit the line: $config['base_url'] = '';

Add the url to your Emerald project. For example: $config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/emerald_app';

Note - your URL must not end with /

In the path/to/Emerald/apps/ directory you will find basic hello world app.

The directory structure for you applications is -app_name --controllers --templates

Creating new applications is easy - in the directory /path/to/Emerald/apps create new directory. For example we want to create mini application dealing with user registration, so we create the directory registration and 2 sub directories - controllers and templates Now our directory will look like this: /path/to/Emerald/ -- apps --welcome --controllers --templates --registration --controllers --templates --config --Emerald --libs .htacess index.php

The next step is to add our registration app in the list with the installed apps. Go to path/to/Emerald/config/settings.php and in the array

$config['installed_apps'] = array('welcome');

add our new application like this:

$config['installed_apps'] = array('welcome','registration');

Now we can begin building our registration application. Create new controller in path/to/Emerald/registration/controllers Give it whatever name you like. The name convention for your controllers is NameController.php. In this case our controller will be RegistrationController.php. Paste this in our controller:

class RegistrationController extends Controller
	function __construct($app)

The variable $app is parsed automaticaly as parameter by Emerald, so you can forget about it for now.

Emerald Routing - Sinatra way

Now let's build our first url mapping function. We want to map www.site.com/registration, this is done by writing this function:

/** get "/registration" **/
function registration()


Passing parameters to functions

The function name doesn't matter, so you can write whatever you want. Passing parameters in our function is done like this:

/** get "/user/:id **/
function view_user($params = null)
	//Now we can access our id
	$this->id = (int)$params[0];


Emerald Routing - Django way

Emerald was created with one purpose - help building reusable applications with PHP. So like in Django we have multiple apps and url patterns. Building prototypes with Sinatra based routes is OK when you test or create something small. For production use this method is slow, because it uses PHP Reflection class, scans every method and runs regular expression against every defined in the function comment route. Now let's create the same functions, but this time with url patterns. Open the file path/to/Emerald/config/ursl.php. There you will se the $urlpatterns array. Delete the test methods and define your own:

$urlpatterns = array ( /** REGISTRATION APP **/ '^/$' => array('path' => 'welcome/registration/registration', 'method' => 'get'), '^user//(\d+)/$' => array('path' => 'welcome/registration/view_user', 'method' => 'get')


Note In the $urlpatterns array I use the default PHP regular expression. So you must escape the special characters like /

Passing parameters to functions

If you want to pass parameters, enclose every parameter with (). Emerald will look for this strings and will pass them as parameters to your functions. With this routing type you have 3 major advantages:

  • Your urls are secure. Malformed url requests will raise errors
  • The parameters passed in the url are only what you need - Integers, strings.
  • You can design your urls to whatever you want, without the limitation to parse parameters only at the end

For example you can write:

$urlpatterns = array ( /** REGISTRATION APP WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORT **/ '^([a-z0-9])/user//(\d+)/$' => array('path' => 'welcome/registration/view_user', 'method' => 'get')



The default templates directory in Emerald is /path/to/Emerald/apps/our_app/templates/

Rendering templates

Rendering templates in Emerald is easy.It is done like this:


You can render multiple templates with the function render_files() like this:


Or we can render raw html strings:

$this->render_raw('<html><body>Hello world</body></html>);

Passing variables to templates

Passing variables from our functions to the template is done in a way similar to Codeigniter. Defining our variables is done in one global data array:

$data['variable'] = 'My first variable';


// in template.php
<?php echo $variable; ?>

That completes my tutorial on Emerald. For more information and examples, go to emerald.martinrusev.net