Application Optimization with Webpack


🚀 Split build for dev and prod environment
🚀 Dynamically generate HTML based on template
🚀 Remove old bundles before generating new ones
🚀 Using less preprocessor, sass, PostCSS, CSS in JS
🚀 Autoprefixer to support for older browsers
🚀 PurgeCSS to remove unused css styles
🚀 Optimization images for production
🚀 Conversion of images to webp format
🚀 Support for older version of browsers using babel
🚀 Increased browser support with polyfills
🚀 Cross Env for support of exec commands on Win, Mac & Linux
🚀 TypeScript support
🚀 Generating Source Maps for easy debug
🚀 Tree shaking
🚀 Eslint


⚙️ Git
⚙️ Node

Install application on local machine

Clone repository and install npm packages

git clone
cd app-optimization
npm install

Run in development env (http://localhost:9000)

npm run dev

Build for production

npm run build

More Commands

Check for type errors

npm run typecheck

Check for code format errors

npm run lint

Fix format errors

npm run lint:fix