About The Project

This is a realtively simple voting API built with a microservices approach. Each service has it's own database and cross service communication is handled by nats streaming server.

Points of note:

  • No service is diretly dependant on any other
  • Data integrity is maintained even after downtime for a single service
  • Deployed to an EKS kubernetes cluster in AWS
  • CI / CD with github actions

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.


In order to run the application locally the following pre requisites must be met:

  • Working kubernetes cluster (I'm using KIND instead of minikub in a wsl2 environment)
  • Ingress Nginx installed Installation
  • skaffold installed Installation


  1. Create a secrets file (infra/k8s/secrets.yaml)
  2. Input secrets for database connection and JWT secret (see secrets template below)
  3. Run yarn install from each individual service directory
  4. run skaffold dev from the root directory
  5. Application will be running on http://api.localhost/
  6. Health checks for each service are available on /(service)/health e.g. http://api.localhost/causes/health

Secrets template

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: secrets
type: Opaque


A postman suite is included in the root directory and connects to the deployed production application by default. In order to test admin functionality you can log in with user:

    "email": "admin@demouser.com",
    "password": "testpass"


The production application is available at http://voting-api.mh.codes


CI/CD is handled by github actions. Simply commit your changes and push to master (or create a PR). CI/CD will only be run on services which have been changed.


Distributed under the MIT License.