
Different little Helpers, Scripts and Puppet Manifests help easing the admins all day life

Primary LanguageShell


Different little Helpers, Scripts and Puppet Manifests and seedbank additions help easing the admins all day life

Nagios Plugins

  • check_procurve_ifoperstatus.sh - Checks the Operational Status of one or more ports with the help of Nagios "check_snmp" Plugins which is required. For more Info, check the plugins comments how to use it.
  • check_postfix.sh - Checks the Postfix Processes (qmgr, pickup and master) and default smtp port to be up/listening and reports back. More Info in the check`s comments
  • check_seedbank.sh - Checks the seedBank Process and default Port separately and reports if each aren`t running/listening.
  • check_apt-cacher.sh - Like seedBank but for the APT-Cacher Daemon.

Puppet Manifests

  • autologout.pp - Creates a small .sh file in /etc/profile.d for auto-logout users after 5min of idle.

Seedbank Additions

  • none yet

Various (helpful) Scripts

  • autonfs.sh - Original Script by JeroenHoek at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1389291 but modified to check the real NFS Daemon instead of pinging the Server (guarantees that the nfs daemon itself runs!) and added some good basic mount points for a stable nfs connection to the mount command.

License and Copyright

All files are under the Open Software License v. 3.0 (OSL-3.0) (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0) if not told differently within the file.

Copyright 2012 (c) Martin Seener <martin@seener.de>


All Code here is written and tested carefully but the author will not be responsible for any loss of data or system corruption. Use with caution!

Thanks to

  • The Puppetlabs Team for giving Puppet to the World