
A toolbox for Drone Show animation in Blender

Primary LanguagePython

Drone Show Animation Toolbox for Blender 2.7x

Martins Upitis (martinsh)

Kristaps Brass (kkbrass) - Proximity, Velocity checks and Export operators


  • download as a zip
  • in Blender open User Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+U)
  • under Add-ons tab, press "Install Add-on from file..."
  • choose the downloaded .zip
  • check the checkbox to enable it and "Save User Settings" to make sure it stays enabled
  • Drone Show Animation Toolbox will appear in Blender Tool Shelf


  • show length in minutes
  • number of UAVs
  • autopilot target framerate
  • waypoint count to store in drone
  • Blender framerate
  • nth frame from Blender to be stored in drone

to do:

  • calculate show bounding box


  • drone names
  • drone material color (LED)

to do:

  • drone proximity area
  • draw drones with OpenGL not mesh + material (?)
  • path splines in 3D viewport
  • visualize proximity and velocity warnings differently (listing every frame in output is difficult to read)


  • Proximity based on minimum distance
  • Velocity based on maximum velocity


  • Add drone grid with automatic naming and material assign
  • Remove drones
  • Export

to do:

  • add seperate drone grids for animation and coloring
  • drone animation tools
  • drone LED coloring tools
  • edit drone paths with splines


  • simple UI with format select (one format for now) and output path.